Barra decorativa

Esta tienda de joyería tenía un reto particular. El área antes destinada para albergar cajeros contaba con 7 mt de largo x 1.30 de ancho, pero pese a su reducido tamaño necesitaba exhibir y almacenar la mayor cantidad de mercancía posible. Basándonos en esta premisa diseñamos una serie de módulos a lo largo del espacio que contienen cajoneras, exhibidores de pared y estructuras con entrepaños de la fácil manipulación, para los diferentes tipos y tamaños de producto.

Cliente: Gallito de Roca
2018, Villavicencio, Colombia


This jewelry store had a particular challenge. The area formerly destined to house ATMs was 7 meters long by 1.30 meters wide, but despite its small size, it needed to exhibit and store as much merchandise as possible. Based on this, we designed a series of modules throughout the space that contains drawers, wall displays, and shelving structures that allowed us to store different types and sizes of products, and are easy to manipulated by customers and employees of the store.